Share other single-person blogs or websites that you love!
(or include posts/articles that you've enjoyed that pertain to the single life!)
Well, I'll be honest, y'all....if I were to link to my favorite single-people blogs, I'd just be linking back to you! Most of my favorite single-bloggers participate in this series, so I'm focusing mainly on some of my most recent favorite directed-at-singles articles/posts!
First, if you haven't discovered Arleen Spenceley, YOU MUST. She is so funny and truthful. AND she's writing a book. I can't wait for it to come out! But she has a couple of recurring series on her blog, one of them being "3 Lessons and 2 Tips" where she asks married folks to talk about 3 lessons they've learned from marriage and 2 tips they'd give to single people. My favorite one of this series was from Audrey Assad. Specifically this line:
"If you're called to marriage, you'll be a better and more whole spouse if you till the ground of your heart during your single years."
And I'm hoping and praying that you know about Verily Magazine. If you don't, refrain from telling me lest I hit you over the head with my electronic copy of an old issue (aka my Chromebook). The Verily blog covers every topic from style to culture, and MY favorite, relationships. Not everything is related to singledom, but there are many of wholesome posts lying around there. You might have to do some digging, but for starters, I loved Living with Baby Fever and Gentlemen Speak: I Want Commitment.
Link up your post on your favorite single bloggers and/or articles below!
Next week's topic:
Vulnerability with friends
Do you find that your non-single friends struggle with relating to you or vice versa? If so, in what ways? How do you handle it? What is something that you would like them to know or understand that they just don't seem to get?
November 19: Surviving events/parties as a singleton
The holidays are coming up! Family parties, friend gatherings... and you're single. How do you "cope"? Any tips or tricks?
Ladies, we have decided to take a break from the Not Alone Series until January 14, 2014. I know it seems like a long time, but we are coming up on a busy season of travel and family time. We don't want to take away your time from what's most important. Feel free to continue to blog about your single life experiences, but we just won't be having anything formal until January.
I love Verily! So good. And I'll have to check out these posts! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI <3 Verily soooo much. And thanks for all the other recommendations. SO many new-to-me!
ReplyDeleteDangit! Verily AND Arleen Spenceley! Man... I should have put that down, too! Glad you did, though! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm excited to check out more of Arleen Spenceley's stuff! I read the one on Audrey Assad and didn't realize she was the author. Yay for new reading material! :)